Arabesque Mini

The Glass Master set new standards of musical performance, but the painstaking construction of its complex, plate glass cabinet is necessarily expensive. Crystal wanted to offer the benefits of the Arabesque integrated system solution at a more approachable price, in a speaker that was smaller and easier to accommodate. The answer was the Arabesque Mini.

Arabesque Mini
Arabesque Mini
Arabesque Mini
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The same sophisticated modelling techniques were used to optimise the mechanical and internal behaviour of a compact, space-frame enclosure, constructed from milled aluminium plates. A beryllium dome tweeter was selected, to maintain performance within the smaller baffle height, while the stand was an integrated part of the design, ensuring that it placed the Mini at the optimum height and provided the ideal mechanical termination for the cabinet. With the same attention to detail and quality of parts used in the Glass Master, it should come as no surprise that the Arabesque Mini quickly established itself as the most musically communicative and persuasive compact speaker available, redefining our expectations of small speaker performance and winning multiple awards and accolades from the international audio press. But the greatest accolade of all comes from the many satisfied owners, music lovers who thought small speakers meant accepting inevitable musical compromise – until they experienced the Arabesque Mini.